The Art and Power of Purity
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Purity is a word we rarely hear spoken, even in our Christian communities. But it's one of those words that plays an important role in the Bible and should be discussed more often.
Purity means to have no dirt or impurities on you, but purity also has another definition: "pure, clean; free from guilt or sin." This means that if you are pure, then you are morally good and have not done anything wrong or immoral.
This second definition of purity is what most people think of when they hear the word purity—it is defined as "having no dirt or impurities on yourself." But this isn't what it means in Scripture! In Scripture, purity refers to being morally good and having a conscience that allows us to know right from wrong (1 Peter 1:19). This kind of moral goodness comes from God alone—and only through his grace can we gain it!
The Bible uses many words for immodesty. The word translated “immodest” in 1 Peter 3:3 is a form of the noun tupon, which means “a covering or garment.” In other words, to be immodest is to lack proper clothing (or lack proper covering).
A person who is not properly clothed puts himself at risk of being exposed and thus vulnerable to temptation and sin. So when a woman wears revealing clothing, she doesn't just risk exposing her body; she risks exposing her heart—to lustful thoughts, inappropriate actions, and even sexual sin.
And because we are made in God's image and likeness (Genesis 1:26), when we expose our bodies inappropriately it can lead us into calling attention to ourselves instead of God. It’s no wonder why some people call modesty "the veil." When we dress modestly--with high necklines on shirts or blouses; sleeves that cover our elbows; skirts that fall below our knees--we are taking steps toward fulfilling God's commandment against immodesty (James 4:17).